School Culture Strand
Essential Questions
What will student-teacher relationships look like in your school?
How will the school embody democratic and liberatory values, and provide opportunities for student voice and choice?
How will restorative practices shape the building of culture and approach to discipline?
What will others notice about the people, space and underlying values when they visit the school?
What aspects that traditionally shape school culture do you want to keep out of the school?
Put it to Practice
Possible Products
Develop your approach to discipline, including restorative practices
Create a plan to cultivate student voice and leadership
Craft a vision for the design of space to reflect the core values of the school
Create a plan for fostering relationships and building community (i.e. home visits, advisory, community meetings, etc.)
Develop wrap around services to meet the needs of students and their families before and after school
Recruiting, hiring, and sustaining teachers of color