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Deeper Learning Strand
Essential Questions
What is your vision for teaching and learning?
What is the role of the teacher in your school?
How do the deeper learning competencies intersect with the vision for your school?
What does deeper learning “sound, feel and look like” at its best? What exemplars stand out?
How can a school’s design support deeper learning? How can it get in the way?
What conditions must exist in schools to make deeper learning possible?
What is your vision for an equitable classroom? For an equitable school?
How will you provide access and challenge to all learners?
Put it to Practice
Possible Products
​Write your instructional vision for the school
Compose a teacher job description
Collaborate with a teacher or student design team to co-design a project
Describe elements of the school design that will support deeper learning. Describe elements that would get in the way that you plan to keep out?
Craft a vision for how students will develop the DL competencies through your instructional model.
Design school structures that immerse students in authentic learning experiences in the community (i.e. fieldwork, internships, community service, etc.)
Design a master schedule and calendar that supports deeper learning for all students and faculty
Plan for inclusion
Plan for emerging bilinguals
Designing culturally responsive, critical pedagogy
College access & persistence
Plan for providing access/challenge for all (RTI)